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47 publication(s):

Note: when necessary, only the first 10 authors are displayed.


41 - 
Early-stage myeloid-derived suppressor cell count: Basophil exclusion matters
Fabrice Uhel, Imane Azzaoui, Simon Le Gallou, Thierry Fest, Karin Tarte, Mikaël Roussel
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2019, 144 (4), pp.1125-1127.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2019.06.027
Pubmed : 31279012
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42 - 
Reproducing indolent B-cell lymphoma transformation with T-cell immunosuppression in LMP1/CD40-expressing mice
Christelle Vincent-Fabert, Alexis Saintamand, Amandine David, Mehdi Alizadeh, François Boyer, Nicolas Arnaud, Ursula Zimber-Strobl, Jean Feuillard, Nathalie Faumont
Cellular and molecular immunology, 2019, 16 (4), pp.412-414.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41423-018-0197-6
Pubmed : 30635651
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43 - 
High-Dimensional Profiling of Single Memory CD8+T cells Reveals a Specific Pattern in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
E. Dugast, I. Vogel, A. Renand, A. Garcia, B. Nicol, J Morille, M. Jacq-Foucher, N. Jousset, F. Le Frère, S. Wiertlewski et al.
ARSEP Meeting, May 2019, Paris, France.
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44 - 
Exploring T[FH] subsets involvement in Multiple Sclerosis course
J. Morille, S. Rodriguez, P. Amé Thomas, A. Garcia, L. Berthelot, A. Nicot, S. Brouard, D.A. Laplaud, L. Michel
ARSEP 2019, May 2019, Paris, France.
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Research reports

45 - 
Protocole d’évaluation de l’état de conservation de l’habitat ’Pelouses mésophiles à Sérapias de la Provence cristalline’ (Serapion) (UE 3120-1) sur le Golf de Vidauban et la RNN de la Plaine des Maures
M Latour, O Roquinarc'H, A Lacoeuilhe
Patrinat (AFB-CNRS-MNHN). 2019, pp.24.
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46 - 
Dynamique transcriptionnelle de la différenciation normale et pathologique des lymphocytes B naïfs en cellules effectrices Transcriptional dynamics of normal B and malignant B cells differentiation to effector cells
Nicolas Hipp
Dynamique transcriptionnelle de la différenciation normale et pathologique des lymphocytes B naïfs en cellules effectrices. Immunologie. Université de Rennes, 2019. Français. ⟨NNT : 2019REN1B024⟩.
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Workshop/conference papers

47 - 
Increasing life science resources re-usability using Semantic Web technologies
Marine Louarn, Fabrice Chatonnet, Xavier Garnier, Thierry Fest, Anne Siegel, Olivier Dameron
eScience 2019 - 15th International eScience Conference, Sep 2019, San Diego, United States. pp.1-9.
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