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74 publication(s):

Workshop/conference papers

71 - 
Insulin resistance impairs human liver progenitor cell function in vitro: Consequences for liver injury and tumorigenesis in metabolic disease and type 2 diabetes?
La Noon, F Manzano Nunez, C Acosta Umanzor, Leal Tassias A, A Corlu, Dj Burks
51st EASD Annual Meeting, Sep 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.1-607,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-015-3687-4
Pubmed : 26264060
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
72 - 
Fonctionnement de l’appareil urinaire chez les patients spina bifida : données observées sur une cohorte de 371 patients
B. Peyronnet, C. Brochard, M. Jezequel, H. Menard, Mireille Damphousse, Isabelle Bonan, L. Siproudhis, X. Gamé, A Manunta
109e Congrès français d'urologie, Nov 2015, Paris, France. pp.848,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.purol.2015.08.264
Pubmed : 26544460
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
73 - 
Résultats des injections intra-détrusoriennes de toxine botulique A chez les patients spina-bifida
B. Peyronnet, J. Hascoet, M. Roumiguié, Mireille Damphousse, E. Castel-Lacanal, P. Marque, M. Soulié, C. Brochard, L. Siproudhis, P. Rischmann, A. Manunta, X Gamé
109e Congrès français d'urologie, Nov 2015, Paris, France. pp.737--738,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.purol.2015.08.044
Pubmed : 26544239
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
74 - 
LO3 : Safety and efficacy of the combination daclatasvir-sofosbuvir in HCV genotype 1-mono-infected patients from the french observational cohort ANRS CO22 hepather
S. Pol, M. Bourlière, S. Lucier, V. de Ledinghen, F. Zoulim, C. Dorival-Mouly, S. Métivier, D. Larrey, A. Tran, C. Hezode, J. -P. Bronowicki, D. Samuel, P. Marcellin, J. -P. Zarski, A. Minello, Laurent Alric, J. -C. Trinchet, P. Nahon, D. Guyader, O. Chazouillères, G. Riachi, V. Loustaud-Ratti, X. Causse, P. Mathurin, I. Hubert-Fouchard, I. Rosa, Y. Benhamou, J. Gournay, J. -J. Raabe, F. Raffi, V. Petrov-Sanchez, A. Diallo, H. Fontaine, F Carrat
The International Liver Congress™ 2015 – 50th Annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, Apr 2015, Vienne, Austria. pp.S258--S259,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-8278(15)30149-5
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability

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