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348 publication(s) :

Remarque : Seuls les 15 premiers auteurs sont affichés.

Articles avec comité de lecture de revues internationales

221 - 
The contribution of more sensitive hepatitis B surface antigen assays to detecting and monitoring hepatitis B infection
Charlotte Pronier, Daniel Candotti, Laure Boizeau, Jeremy Bomo, Syria Laperche, Vincent Thibault
Journal of Clinical Virology, 2020, 129, 104507.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcv.2020.104507
Pubmed : 32570044
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222 - 
Starvation ketoacidosis during prolonged fasting of 26 days
Charles R Lefevre, Lilian Alix, Ronan Thibault, Patrick Jego, Claude Bendavid, Caroline Moreau
Annales de Biologie Clinique, 2020, 78 (3), 323-328.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1684/abc.2020.1553
Pubmed : 32540819
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
223 - 
Immunoassay Disruption by High-Dose Biotin Therapy: Fair Warning for Neonatal Care Physicians
Charles R Lefevre, Lucas Peltier, Léna Damaj, Jessica Valaize, Claude Bendavid, Caroline Moreau
Pediatric Neurology, 2020, 112, 8-9.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2020.07.007
Pubmed : 32823140
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224 - 
Les parcours de soins pré-dialyse des insuffisants rénaux chroniques terminaux : quels types de parcours et déterminants d’un démarrage de la dialyse en urgence ?
Maxime Raffray, Adélaide Pladys, Fei Gao, C. Couchoud, C. Vigneau, S. Bayat
Epidemiology and Public Health = Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 2020, 68 (N° S1), S22.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respe.2020.01.047
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
225 - 
The pre-dialysis care trajectories of esrd patients: what types and what factors of emergency dialysis start?
Maxime Raffray, Adélaide Pladys, Fei Gao, Cécile Couchoud, Cécile Vigneau, Sahar Bayat
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 2020, 35 (Supplement_3), 269-269.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfaa144.P1432
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
226 - 
Prenatal exposure to glycol ethers and response inhibition in 6-year-old children: The PELAGIE cohort study
Astrid Reilhac, Ronan Garlantézec, Agnès Lacroix, Florence Rouget, Charline Warembourg, Christine Monfort, Florent Le Gléau, Sylvaine Cordier, Jean-François Viel, Cécile Chevrier
Environmental Research, 2020, 181, 108950.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2019.108950
Pubmed : 31787214
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227 - 
Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy in ovarian cancer: An update
A. Revaux, M. Carbonnel, F. Kanso, I. Naoura, J. Asmar, P. Kadhel, J.-M. Ayoubi
Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation, 2020, 41 (3), 20190028.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1515/hmbci-2019-0028
Pubmed : 32083444
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
228 - 
Efficacy and safety of nintedanib in patients with advanced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Luca Richeldi, Martin Kolb, Stéphane Jouneau, Wim A Wuyts, Birgit Schinzel, Susanne Stowasser, Manuel Quaresma, Ganesh Raghu
BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 2020, 20 (1), 3.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12890-019-1030-4
Pubmed : 31914963
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229 - 
Emerging drugs for the treatment of scleroderma: a review of recent phase 2 and 3 trials
David Roofeh, Alain Lescoat, Dinesh Khanna
Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs, 2020, 25 (4), 455-466.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1080/14728214.2020.1836156
Pubmed : 33054463
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
230 - 
Personal, biomechanical, psychosocial, and organizational risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome: a structural equation modeling approach
Yves Roquelaure, Ronan Garlantezec, Bradley A Evanoff, Alexis Descatha, Jean-Baptiste Fassier, Julie Bodin
Pain, 2020, 161 (4), 749-757.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001766
Pubmed : 31815912
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