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282 publication(s):

Note: when necessary, only the first 5 authors are displayed.


221 - 
Sibiriline derivatives for use for preventing and/or treating disorders associated with cellular necroptosis.
Marie-Thérèse Dimanche-Boitrel, Stéphane Bach, Claire Delehouze, Yvette Mettey, Peter Goekjian et al.
Sibiriline derivatives for use for preventing and/or treating disorders associated with cellular necroptosis. France, Patent n° : WO/2017/064217. CO2GLYCO : Equipe de Chimie Organique 2-Glycochimie. 2017.
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222 - 
Use of oxytocin after spontaneous onset of labor in France
Corinne Dupont, Didier Riethmuller, Catherine Deneux-Tharaux, Rémi Beranger, Anne A Chantry et al.
Use of oxytocin after spontaneous onset of labor in France: New guidelines by the French National College of Midwives (CNSF), in collaboration with the French National College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) . 31st International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) trienal congress, Jun 2017, Toronto, France.
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223 - 
La hernie discale opérée : uniquement un traceur de la pathologie rachidienne ?
Natacha Fouquet, Aline Ramond-Roquin, E. Chazelle, S Fleuret, A. Descatha et al.
2ème congrès ADELF-SFSP “Sciences et acteurs en santé : articuler connaissances et pratiques”, Oct 2017, Amiens, France.
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224 - 
Transmission du VIH associée aux cellules à travers la muqueuse colorectale ex vivo et modulation par le liquide séminal
J. Frouard, G Matusali, Ap Satie, N. Rioux-Leclercq, L. Sulpice et al.
XIX journées francophones de virologie, Mar 2017, Paris, France.
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225 - 
HIV cell-associated transmission in the colo-rectal mucosa ex vivo and its modulation by seminal plasma
J. Frouard, G Matusali, Ap Satie, N. Rioux-Leclercq, L. Sulpice et al.
9th International AIDS society conference on HIV science, Jul 2017, Paris, France.
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226 - 
The male organs source of AIDS virus in semen uncovered through phylogenetic analysis
L Houzet, M. Perez-L.osada, G Matusali, C Deleage, N Dereuddre-Bosquet et al.
9th International AIDS society conference on HIV science, Jul 2017, Paris, France.
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227 - 
L’indice de masse corporelle et la circonférence brachiale sont prédictifs d’une masse maigre abaissée chez les patients avec fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique : une étude transversale dans un centre de référence pour maladies rares
S. Jouneau, K. Mallorie, Chloé Rousseau, Mathieu Lederlin, F. Llamas-Gutierrez et al.
Journées Francophones de Nutrition (JFN), Dec 2017, Nantes, France. 2017, Livre des résumés.
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228 - 
Calibration of a reverberation chamber for mice exposure experiments in the 60-GHz band
Abdou Khadir Fall, Maxim Zhadobov, Philippe Besnier, Christophe Lemoine, Ronan Sauleau et al.
BIOEM, Jun 2017, Hangzhou, China.
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229 - 
Paracetamol effects on the human fetal ovary
L. L. Lecante, S. Leverrier-Penna, Antoine D. Rolland, Séverine Mazaud-Guittot
GDR Repro, Apr 2017, Tours, France.
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230 - 
Paracetamol effects on the human fetal ovary
L. L. Lecante, S. Leverrier-Penna, Antoine D. Rolland, Séverine Mazaud-Guittot
7ème journée de l’UFR de Pharmacie, Jan 2017, Rennes, France.
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