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76 publication(s):


31 - 
Contribution à l'étude du canal de propagation à l'intérieur des bâtiments par simulations et mesures Contribution to the study of the indoor propagation channel by simulations and measurements
Zaher Sayegh
Contribution à l'étude du canal de propagation à l'intérieur des bâtiments par simulations et mesures. Autre. INSA de Rennes, 2017. Français. ⟨NNT : 2017ISAR0029⟩.
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Workshop/conference papers

32 - 
Collision Target Detection Using a Single Antenna for Automotive RADAR
Souleymane Abakar Issakha, Francois Vincent, Laurent Ferro-Famil, Frantz Bodereau
Collision Target Detection Using a Single Antenna for Automotive RADAR . International Radar Symposium (IRS) 2017, Jun 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
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33 - 
Prediction of Quality in DCT-Based Lossy Compression of Noisy Remote Sensing Images
S. Abramov, V. Lukin, A. Zemliachenko, B. Vozel, K. Chehdi
2017 IEEE 37th International Conference On Electronics and Nanotechnology (elnano), Apr 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine. pp.447-450,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1109/ELNANO.2017.7939794
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34 - 
Blind evaluation of noise characteristics in multi-channel images exploiting inter-channel correlation
Victoriya Abramova, Sergey Abramov, Vladimir Lukin, Igor Djurovic, Marko Simeunovic, Benoit Vozel
2017 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), Jun 2017, Bar, France. pp.1-5,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1109/MECO.2017.7977182
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35 - 
Localization of a VHF transmitter based on PDOA methods: simulations and experiments
Nicolas Amiot, Yvon Erhel, Dominique Lemur, François Marie, Martial Oger
Localization of a VHF transmitter based on PDOA methods: simulations and experiments . 29th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Dec 2017, beirut, Lebanon.
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36 - 
A 32 GHz urban micro cell measurement campaign for 5G candidate spectrum region
M.D. Baldé, J. Vehmas, S.L.H. Nguyen, K. Haneda, H. Houas, Bernard Uguen
11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2017, Mar 2017, Paris, France.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928512
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37 - 
A 3-D Wide-Band Set-up for Over-The-Air Test in Anechoic Chamber
Mounia Belhabib, Raffaele d'Errico, Bernard Uguen
11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Mar 2017, Paris, France.
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38 - 
Estimating radar cross-section of canonical targets in reverberation chamber
Philippe Besnier, J. Sol, S. Méric
2017 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC EUROPE, EMC Europe 2017, Sep 2017, Angers, France. pp.8094795,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1109/EMCEurope.2017.8094795
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39 - 
Estimating radar cross-section of canonicals targets in reverberation chamber
Philippe Besnier, Jérôme Sol, Stéphane Meric
EMC EUROPE, Sep 2017, Angers, France.
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40 - 
Mesure de surface équivalente radar de cibles élémentaires en chambre réverbérante : résultats préliminaires
Philippe Besnier, Jérôme Sol, Stéphane Meric
Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2017, St Malo, France.
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