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103 publication(s):

Note: when necessary, only the first 5 authors are displayed.


41 - 
A 1296-Cell Reconfigurable Reflect-Array Antenna With 2-Bit Phase Resolution for Ka-Band Applications
Enhao Wang, Guangyao Peng, Kunjing Zhong, Fan Wu, Zhi Hao Jiang et al.
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, Ieee Transactions On Antennas and Propagation,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1109/tap.2024.3368220
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42 - 
Microwave Speech Recognizer Empowered by a Programmable Metasurface
Hongrui Zhang, Hengxin Ruan, Hanting Zhao, Zhuo Wang, Shengguo Hu et al.
Advanced Science, 2024, Advanced Science, pp.2309826.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202309826
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43 - 
Video generalized semantic segmentation via Non-Salient Feature Reasoning and Consistency
Yuhang Zhang, Zhengyu Zhang, Muxin Liao, Shishun Tian, Rong You et al.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 2024, Knowledge-Based Systems, 292, pp.111584.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2024.111584
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44 - 
Unité d'Enseignement LABORATOIRE 2 - 7 Travaux Pratiques : "Ondes / Particules / Gaz
Bruno Bêche, Andrea Simoni
Unité d'Enseignement LABORATOIRE 2 - 7 Travaux Pratiques : "Ondes / Particules / Gaz". Licence. LABORATOIRE 2 - 7 Travaux Pratiques : "Ondes / Particules / Gaz", Université de Rennes, France. 2024, pp.26.
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45 - 
Initiation aux structures et à la symétrie : groupes, tables, matrices et espaces vectoriels
Bruno Bêche
Licence. Structures mathématiques (Licence 1), Université de Rennes, France. 2024, pp.44. ⟨hal-04353716v2⟩
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46 - 
Signals and Systems
Bruno Bêche
Licence. Traitements des signaux et Systèmes, Rennes (Campus de Beaulieu), France. 2024, pp.16.
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47 - 
RESonateurs Optiques en FIbres imPrimées 3D : Topologie adaptable en nœuds et boucles thermoplastiques (RESOFIP 3DT)
Bruno Bêche, Jordan Gastebois, Sylvain Pernon
Déclaration d'Invention SATT Ouest Valorisation, 2024, pp.1-20.
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48 - 
Détecter les drones grâce à la télévision
Stéphane Méric, Jean-Yves Baudais
Le magazine de l'espace des sciences en Bretagne, 2024.
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Other publication

49 - 
A computationally efficient reformulation for Data-Enabled Predictive Control
Alexandre Faye-Bedrin, Stanislav Aranovskiy, Paul Chauchat, Romain Bourdais
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50 - 
Objective and subjective evaluation of speech enhancement methods in the UDASE task of the 7th CHiME challenge
Simon Leglaive, Matthieu Fraticelli, Hend ElGhazaly, Léonie Borne, Mostafa Sadeghi et al.
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