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441 publication(s):

Note: when necessary, only the first 5 authors are displayed.

Book chapters

181 - 
Blind Evaluation of Noise Characteristics in Multichannel Images
Victoriya Abramova, Sergey Abramov, Klavdiy Abramov, Benoit Vozel
Information Technologies in the Design of Aerospace Engineering, pp.209-229, 2023,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-43579-9_4
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
182 - 
Dataflow Models of Computation for Programming Heterogeneous Multicores
Jeronimo Castrillon, Karol Desnos, Andrés Goens, Christian Menard
Handbook of Computer Architecture, pp.1-40, 2023,
DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-6401-7_45-2
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
183 - 
Prototypage rapide d'un supercalculateur dédié à la radioastronomie Rapid prototyping of a supercomputer dedicated to radio astronomy
Nicolas Gac, Jean-François Nezan, André Ferrari, Chiara Ferrari, Martin Quinson et al.
Prototypage rapide d'un supercalculateur dédié à la radioastronomie. L'Interdisciplinarité. Voyages au-delà des disciplines, CNRS Edition, 2023, 978-2-271-13983-2.
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184 - 
Agriculture and wetland applications
J.M. Lopez-Sanchez, J.B. Ballester-Berman, F. Vicente-Guijalba, S.R. Cloude, Heather Mcnairn et al.
I. Hajnsek, Y.-L. Desnos (eds.), Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing 25,https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-56504-6_3, 2023.
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185 - 
RIS-Parametrized Rich-Scattering Environments: Physics-Compliant Models, Channel Estimation, and Optimization
Philipp del Hougne
Reconfigurable Metasurfaces for Wireless Communications: Architectures, Modeling, and Optimization, In press.
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Other publication

186 - 
Placement et exécution de tâches sous contraintes temporelles
Jean-Yves Baudais, Mohamad Oussayran, Jean-Christophe Prévotet, Ali Maiga
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187 - 
Baptiste Chatelier, Luc Le Magoarou, Vincent Corlay, Matthieu Crussière
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188 - 
Safe Peeling for L0-Regularized Least-Squares with supplementary material
Théo Guyard, Gilles Monnoyer, Cédric Herzet, Clément Elvira
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189 - 
Economic consistency of salvage value definitions
Pierre Haessig
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190 - 
Threading light through dynamic complex media
Chaitanya K Mididoddi, Christina Sharp, Philipp del Hougne, Simon A. R. Horsley, David B Phillips et al.
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