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85 publication(s):

Note: when necessary, only the first 5 authors are displayed.


41 - 
EEG profile might be a new objective physiological marker of horses' welfare
Hugo Cousillas, Mathilde Stomp, Serenella d'Ingeo, Séverine Henry, Martine Hausberger et al.
NeuroFrance 2019, May 2019, Marseille, France.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
42 - 
Effet de la surface du sol sur le comportement de repos des chèvres laitières
Ophelie Dhumez, Pierre-Emmanuel Robert, Marjorie Cellier, Birte L Nielsen
Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal, Jun 2019, Lille, France. , pp.87.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
43 - 
Contribution of severity of autism and age on dog attraction to children with autism spectrum disorder
Nicolas Dollion, Marine Grandgeorge, Marcel Trudel, Noël Champagne, Nicolas Saint-Pierre et al.
INSAR 2019 Annual Meeting, May 2019, Montréal, Canada.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
44 - 
Changes in saliva analytes reflect acute stress level in horses
Maria Dolores Contreras-Aguilar, Séverine Henry, Caroline Coste, Fernando Tecles, José J. Cerón et al.
53rd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Aug 2019, Bergen, Norway.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
45 - 
Maternal care and communication in free-ranging arboreal primate
Małgorzata E. Arlet, Linda-Liisa Veromann-Jürgenson, Lynne A. Isbell, Raivo Mänd, Alban Lemasson et al.
European Federation of Primatology 2019 & the Primate Society of Great Britain Winter meeting, Sep 2019, Oxford, United Kingdom.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
46 - 
Effets de la turbidité sur le camouflage chez la seiche
Alice Goerger, Emeric Salé, Ludovic Dickel, Anne-Sophie Darmaillacq
49ème Colloque Annuel de la SFECA, Jun 2019, Lille, France.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
47 - 
Inmate’s behaviors during animal assisted intervention: how does it works?
Marine Grandgeorge, Christine Heyraud, Martine Hausberger, Astrid Hirschelmann
15th IAHAIO conference: Science Meets Practice: Creating Healthy Environments for People and Animal, Apr 2019, Brewster, NY, United States.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
48 - 
Influence maternelle prénatale de l'enrichissement du milieu de vie sur le développement comportemental chez la caille
Cécilia Houdelier, Floriane Guibert, Kurt Kotrschal, Erich Möstl, Sophie Lumineau et al.
49ème Colloque Annuel de la SFECA, Jun 2019, Lille, France.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
49 - 
Is it worth having an adequate energetic state to detoxify a pesticide?
Aldana Laino, Mónica Liliana Cunningham, Sofia Romero, Marie Trabalon, Gabriel Molina et al.
21st International Congress of Arachnology, Feb 2019, Canterbury, New Zealand.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability
50 - 
Chevaux de sport au paddock : faisabilité et bien-être
Clémence Lesimple, Lola Reverchon-Billot, Caroline Coste, Laetitia Boichot, Patrick Galloux et al.
49ème Colloque Annuel de la SFECA, Jun 2019, Lille, France.
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 Reprint request: Subject to availability

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