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237 publication(s) :


211 - 
Degradation of cyanobacterial secondary metabolites by a natural bacterial community associated with Microcystis
Myriam Bormans, Enora Briand, Jean-François Humbert, William H. Gerwick
ASLO Meeting, Feb 2015, Granada, Spain. 2015.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
212 - 
Chastagner A. , Vourc’h G., Dugat T., Verheyden H. , Legrand L. , Bachy V. Chabanne L. , Joncour G. , Maillard R. , Haddad N. , Boulouis H.-J., Plantard O., Agoulon A., Bastian S. Malandrin L. Hoch T., Jouglin M., Bouju A., Durand A., Quillery E., Brahim M-L., Mahé H., Butet A., Rantier Y., Perez G., Abrial D., Gasqui P., Lebert I., Dorr N., Masseglia S., McCoy K., Noel V., Léger E., Hewison M., Morellet N., Angibault J-M., Cebbe N., Picot D., Leblond A. and Bailly X. 2015. Several Anaplasma phagocytophilum epidemiological cycles in France revealed by sequencing. Conference GERI (Genes, Ecosystems and Risk of Infection, 21-23 avril 2015 Heraklion, Greece.
Alain Butet
Chastagner A. , Vourc’h G., Dugat T., Verheyden H. , Legrand L. , Bachy V. Chabanne L. , Joncour G. , Maillard R. , Haddad N. , Boulouis H.-J., Plantard O., Agoulon A., Bastian S. Malandrin L. Hoch T., Jouglin M., Bouju A., Durand A., Quillery E., Brahim M-L., Mahé H., Butet A., Rantier Y., Perez G., Abrial D., Gasqui P., Lebert I., Dorr N., Masseglia S., McCoy K., Noel V., Léger E., Hewison M., Morellet N., Angibault J-M., Cebbe N., Picot D., Leblond A. and Bailly X. 2015. Several Anaplasma phagocytophilum epidemiological cycles in France revealed by sequencing. Conference GERI (Genes, Ecosystems and Risk of Infection, 21-23 avril 2015 Heraklion, Greece. Conference GERI (Genes, Ecosystems and Risk of Infection, 21-23 avril 2015 Heraklion, Greece., Apr 2015, Heraklion, France.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
213 - 
Several Anaplasma phagocytophilum epidemiological cycles in France revealed by sequencing
Amélie Chastagner, Gwenaël Vourc’h, T. Dugat, Hélène Verheyden, Laurent Legrand, V. Bachy, L. Chabanne, G. Joncour, R. Maillard, Nadia Haddad, Henri-Jean Boulouis, Olivier Plantard, Albert Agoulon, Suzanne Bastian, Laurence Malandrin, Thierry Hoch, Maggy Jouglin, Agnès Bouju, Axelle Durand, Elsa Quillery, Mohamed-Lemine Brahim, Hélène Mahé, Alain Butet, Yann Rantier, Grégoire Perez, David Abrial, Patrick Gasqui, Xavier Bailly, Isabelle Lebert, Nelly Dorr, Sébastien Masseglia, Karen Mccoy, Valérie Noël, Elsa Léger, Mark Hewison, Nicolas Morellet, Jean-Marc Angibault, Nicolas Cebbe, Denis Picot
Conference GERI Genes, Ecosystems and Risk of Infection, Apr 2015, Heraklion, Greece. , 2015.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
214 - 
Cold acclimation allows Drosophila flies to maintain mitochondrial functions
Hervé Colinet, David Renault, Damien Roussel
6th International Symposium of Environmental Physiology of Ectotherms and Plants (ISEPEP6), Aug 2015, Aarhus, Denmark.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
215 - 
Are the communities of metazoan parasites in Sardina pilchardus and Engraulis encrasicolus (Clupeifdae) indicators of feeding ecology and free-living biodiversity in the Bay of Biscay?
Aurélie Dessier, Christine Dupuy, Thomas Trancart, Alexandre Audras, Paco Bustamante, Claudia Gérard
Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Feb 2015, Granada, Spain.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
216 - 
BiodivERsA project VineDivers: Analysing interlinkages between soil biota and biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards across Europe
Johann G. Zaller, Silvia Winter, Peter Strauss, Pascal Querner, Monika Kriechbaum, Bärbel Pachinger, J.A. Gomez, M. Campos, B. Landa, D. Popescu, B. Comsa, M. Iliescu, L. Tomoiaga, C.I. Bunea, Adela Hoble, L.A. Marghitas, T. Rusu, A. Lora, G. Guzman, H. Bergmann, Martin Potthoff, Daniel Cluzeau, Françoise Burel, Vincent Jung
BiodivERsA project VineDivers: Analysing interlinkages between soil biota and biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards across Europe . European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Apr 2015, Vienna, Austria.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
217 - 
Water characteristics influence Egeria densa growth
Morgane Gillard, Gabrielle Thiébaut
24th International Workshop of European Vegetation Survey “Typology and process as two complementary facets of vegetation survey and mapping”, “Vegetation in coastal and inland dunes and cliffs”, May 2015, Rennes, France.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
218 - 
Gestion durable des ressources en eau, biodiversités de la faune aquatique souterraine et du zooplankton de trois bassins versants d’Afrique (Afrique centrale et de l’ouest) : impacts des perturbations anthropiques, climatiques et de la pollution. Premiers résultats.
Serge Hubert Zébazé Togouet, Christophe Piscart, J.C. Ngoay Kossi, Raoul Tuekam Kayo, Moïssou Lagnika, Claude Boutin
Gestion durable des ressources en eau, biodiversités de la faune aquatique souterraine et du zooplankton de trois bassins versants d’Afrique (Afrique centrale et de l’ouest) : impacts des perturbations anthropiques, climatiques et de la pollution. Premiers résultats. Colloque des 20 ans du bureau d’Afrique Centrale et des Grands Lacs de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, Oct 2015, Yaoundé, Cameroun.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
219 - 
Effects of inter-raw management intensity on wild bees in Austrian, Spanish, French and Romanian vineyards
Sophie Kratschmer, Bärbel Pachinger, Daniel Paredes, G. Guzman, Annegret Nicolai, M. Favreau, D. Popescu, C.I. Bunea, C. Florian, Silvia Winter
108th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society, Sep 2015, Graz, Austria.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability
220 - 
Rôles de la ZATA dans le partenariat entre l’Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor et la Réserve Naturelle des Terres Australes Françaises
Marc Lebouvier, Yan Ropert‐coudert, C. Marteau
3ième Colloque biennal des Zones Ateliers, Oct 2015, Paris, France.
 Reprint request: Subject to availability

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