TITLE = {Thermal attenuation and lag time in fractured rock: theory and field measurements from joint heat and solute tracer tests},
AUTHOR = {de La Bernardie, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Bour, Olivier and Le Borgne, Tanguy and Guih{\'e}neuf, Nicolas and Chatton, Eliot and Labasque, Thierry and Le Lay, Hugo and Gerard, Marie-Fran{\c c}oise},
URL = {https://insu.hal.science/insu-01923664},
JOURNAL = {Water Resources Research},
PUBLISHER = {American Geophysical Union},
VOLUME = {54},
NUMBER = {12},
PAGES = {10053-10075},
YEAR = {2018},
MONTH = Dec, DOI = {10.1029/2018WR023199},
KEYWORDS = {dipole-flow test ; ground-penetrating radar ; single-borehole ; energy-storage ; push-pull ; temperature ; breakthrough ; injection ; contaminant transport ; aquifer},
PDF = {https://insu.hal.science/insu-01923664/file/Bernardie_et_al-2018-Water_Resources_Research.pdf},
HAL_ID = {insu-01923664},
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