TITLE = {Continuous monitoring of dissolved gases with membrane inlet massspectrometry to fingerprint river biochemical activity},
AUTHOR = {Vautier, Camille and Chatton, Eliot and Abbott, Benjamin W. and Harjung, Astrid and Labasque, Thierry and Guillou, Aur{\'e}lie and Pannard, Alexandrine and Piscart, Christophe and Laverman, Anniet M. and Kolbe, Tamara and Mass{\'e},
St{\'e}phanie and Dreuzy, Jean-Raynald De and Thomas, Zahra and Aquilina, Luc and Pinay, Gilles},
URL = {https://insu.hal.science/insu-01534016},
NOTE = {Poster},
HOWPUBLISHED = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017},
ORGANIZATION = {European Geosciences Union},
VOLUME = {19},
PAGES = {EGU2017-18358-1},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Apr, HAL_ID = {insu-01534016},
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