TITLE = {Clermont-Ferrand (63), Place des Carmes D{\'e}chaux},
AUTHOR = {Marco, Zabeo and Ancel, Marie-Jos{\'e} and Chavot, Cl{\'e}ment and Collomb, Camille and Collombet, Julien and Colombier-Gougouzian, Aline and Ducreux, Aur{\'e}lie and Flottes, Laurie and Foucras, Sylvain and Gandia, David and Garnier, Nicolas and Gary, Magali and Gilles, Amaury and Polinski, Alexandre and Polo, Elio and Repellin, Thierry and Rivals, C{\'e}cile and Zipper, Katinka and Lebl{\'e},
URL = {https://shs.hal.science/halshs-03924424},
HAL_LOCAL_REFERENCE = {croire et le montrer},
PAGES = {1416},
INSTITUTION = {Archeodunum},
YEAR = {2022},
MONTH = Dec, KEYWORDS = {Moyen {\^A}ge central ; Epoque contemporaine ; B{\^a}timent ; Structure fun{\'e}raire ; Hydraulique ; Habitat rural ; Structure agraire ; Urbanisme ; Fosse ; S{\'e}pulture ; Atelier m{\'e}tallurgique ; Industrie osseuse ; C{\'e}ramique ; Restes v{\'e}g{\'e}taux ; Faune ; Objet m{\'e}tallique ; Parure ; Monnaie ; Verre ; Antiquit{\'e} romaine ; Empire romain ; Haut-Empire ; Bas-Empire ; Moyen {\^A}ge ; haut Moyen {\^A}ge},
HAL_ID = {halshs-03924424},
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