TITLE = {Foreword to the special issue of Journal of Difference Equations and Applications on ‘Lozi, H{\'e}non, and other chaotic attractors, theory and applications'},
AUTHOR = {Lozi, Ren{\'e} and Efremova, Lyudmila and Abdelouahab, Mohammed Salah and El Assad, Safwan and Pluhacek, Michal},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04571575},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Difference Equations and Applications},
PUBLISHER = {Taylor \& Francis},
SERIES = {Special Issue of Journal of Difference Equations and Applications on ‘Lozi, H{\'e}non, and other chaotic attractors, theory and applications'},
VOLUME = {29},
NUMBER = {9-12},
PAGES = {861-875},
YEAR = {2023},
MONTH = Nov, DOI = {10.1080/10236198.2023.2267824},
KEYWORDS = {Lozi map ; Lozi attractor ; H{\'e}non map ; Belykh attractor ; Chua attractor ; Shilnikov attractor ; Markov partition ; chaotic attractor ; dendrite ; fractional map ; control ; cryptography ; evolutionary techniques ; optimization ; secure communication},
HAL_ID = {hal-04571575},
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