TITLE = {Impact of the experimental bandwidth on circularly polarized luminescence measurements of lanthanide complexes: the case of erbium(III)},
AUTHOR = {Sickinger, Annika and Baguenard, Bruno and Bensalah-Ledoux, Amina and Guyot, Yannick and Guy, Laure and Pointillart, Fabrice and Cador, Olivier and Grasser, Maxime and Le Guennic, Boris and Riob{\'e},
Fran{\c c}ois and Maury, Olivier and Guy, Stephan},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04516623},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Materials Chemistry C},
PUBLISHER = {Royal Society of Chemistry},
VOLUME = {12},
NUMBER = {12},
PAGES = {4253-4260},
YEAR = {2024},
DOI = {10.1039/d3tc04717b},
PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04516623/file/Sickinger%20et%20al%20-%202024%20-%20Impact%20of%20the%20experimental%20bandwidth%20on%20circularly%20polarized%20luminescence%20measurements.pdf},
HAL_ID = {hal-04516623},
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