TITLE = {Le Coudray-Montceaux (91), Les Haies Blanches 2. S{\'e}pulture et parcellaires antiques, habitats Hallstatt D1, habitat du Bronze final, occupations VSG, habitat ruban{\'e} final du bassin de la Seine},
AUTHOR = {Lep{\`e}re, C{\'e}dric and Andr{\'e},
{\'E}lise and Bonnaire, Emmanuelle and Brenot, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Di Pascale, Ambre and Donnart, Klet and Dupart, Olivia and Gabriele, Marzia and H{\"o}ltkemeier, Svenja and Jubeau, Thomas and L{\'e}ty, C{\'e}dric and Liottier, L{\'e}onor and Mauduit, C{\'e}line and Onfray, Marylise and Pescher, Beno{\^i}t and Prouin, Yannick and Roscio, Mafalda and Toulemonde, Fran{\c c}oise and Cagnado, Clarissa},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04194276},
TYPE = {Research Report},
PAGES = {1943, Volume 1 (800), volume 2 (718), volume 3 (425)},
INSTITUTION = {Eveha - Etudes et valorisations arch{\'e}ologiques (Limoges) ; Service r{\'e}gional d'arch{\'e}ologie d'{\^I}le-de-France},
YEAR = {2022},
KEYWORDS = {\'E}poque moderne ; {\'E}veha ; Hallstatt ; {\'e}poque contemporaine ; Bas-Empire ; {\^a}ge du Bronze final ; N{\'e}olithique ancien ruban{\'e} ; Habitat du N{\'e}olithique ancien ; Habitat rural du Bronze final ; Habitats ruraux du Hallstatt D1 et de la transition D1-D2 ; N{\'e}olithique ancien VSG ; N{\'e}olithique final/Bronze ancien ; s{\'e}pulture antique (Bas-Empire) ; Structures agricoles modernes et contemporaines},
HAL_ID = {hal-04194276},
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