TITLE = {Fe(III) oxide microparticles modulate extracellular electron transfer in anodic biofilms dominated by bacteria of the Pelobacter genus},
AUTHOR = {Philippon, Timoth{\'e} and Ait-Itto, Fatima-Zahra and Monfort, Alicia and Barri{\`e}re, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Behan, James A},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04016039},
JOURNAL = {Bioelectrochemistry},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
VOLUME = {151},
PAGES = {108394},
YEAR = {2023},
DOI = {10.1016/j.bioelechem.2023.108394},
KEYWORDS = {16S rRNA gene sequencing ; Bioanodes ; Electroactive biofilms ; Ferric oxides ; Microbial fuel cells ; Pelobacter},
PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-04016039/file/Bioelectrochemistry%202023.pdf},
HAL_ID = {hal-04016039},
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