TITLE = {Rapport Final d'Op{\'e}ration - Autour de Tatihou, {\'e}tude d'un territoire de l'{\^a}ge du Bronze au premier {\^a}ge du Fer, Programme 2018-2020, 2{\`e}me ann{\'e}e de recherche pluriannuelle, prospections th{\'e}matiques, n{\textdegree}164143 SRA Normandie},
AUTHOR = {Gandois, Henri and Marcigny, Cyril and St{\'e}phan, Pierre and Burlot, Aur{\'e}lien and Ghesqui{\`e}re, Emmanuel and Giazzon, David and Gregoire, Gwendoline and Lamache, Jean-Luc and Ler{\'e}v{\'e}rend, Julien and Marie, Eric and Moufid, Yacine and Palluau, Jean-Marc and Pedel, Nicolas and P{\'e}naud, Aur{\'e}lie and Vidal, Muriel and Vipard, Laurent},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-03975134},
PAGES = {139 p.},
INSTITUTION = {SRA Normandie},
YEAR = {2020},
HAL_ID = {hal-03975134},
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