TITLE = {Villevaud{\'e} (Seine-et-Marne) Bois Gratuel, Les Mazarins. Occupations gauloises, antiques et alto-m{\'e}di{\'e}vales : rapport de fouilles},
AUTHOR = {Blanchard, Johann and Casasoprana, C{\'e}line and Beauvais, Sylvain and Boulen, Muriel and Brunet, V{\'e}ronique and Colonna, Camille and Cornu, John and Cottiaux, Richard and Derreumaux, Marie and Lecomte-Schmitt, Blandine and Leconte, Luc and Lef{\`e}vre, Annie and Lepareux-Couturier, St{\'e}phanie and Pilon, Fabien and Pieters, Maxence and Robert, Ga{\"e}lle and S{\'e}guier, Jean-Marc and Simon, Laure and Soulat, Jean and Warm{\'e},
Nicolas and Yvinec, J.-H.},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-03956601},
INSTITUTION = {Inrap Centre - Ile-de-France, Pantin ; Service r{\'e}gional de l'arch{\'e}ologie d'{\^I}le-de-France},
YEAR = {2022},
HAL_ID = {hal-03956601},
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