TITLE = {Les caract{\'e}ristiques d'un paysage agricole influencent-elles la relation rongeur-tique ?},
AUTHOR = {Chastagner, Am{\'e}lie and Vourc'h, Gwena{\"e}l and Dugat, T. and Verheyden, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Legrand, Laurent and Bachy, V. and Chabanne, Luc and Joncour, G. and Maillard, R. and Haddad, Nadia and Boulouis, Henri-Jean and Plantard, Olivier and Agoulon, Albert and Bastian, Suzanne and Malandrin, Laurence and Hoch, Thierry and Jouglin, Maggy and Bouju, Agn{\`e}s and Durand, Axelle and Quillery, E. and Brahim, Mohamed Lemine and Mah{\'e},
H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Butet, Alain and Rantier, Yann and Perez, Gr{\'e}goire and Abrial, David and Gasqui, Patrick and Lebert, Isabelle and Dorr, Nelly and Masseglia, S{\'e}bastien and Mccoy, Karen D. and No{\"e}l, Val{\'e}rie and L{\'e}ger, Elsa and Hewison, Mark and Morellet, Nicolas and Angibault, Jean-Marc and Cebe, Nicolas and Picot, Denis and Leblond, Agn{\`e}s and Bailly, Xavier},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-02417303},
TITLE = {R{\'e}union annuel du groupe ''Tiques et Maladies {\`a} Tiques'' (TMT) du R{\'e}seau Ecologie des Interactions Durables (REID)},
ADDRESS = {Montferrier sur Lez, France},
YEAR = {2015},
MONTH = Mar, HAL_ID = {hal-02417303},
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