TITLE = {Le paysage et la structure de la communaut{\'e} des micromammif{\`e}res agissent diff{\'e}remment sur la pr{\'e}valence d'Anaplasma phagocytophilum et de Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato dans une communaut{\'e}},
AUTHOR = {Perez, Gr{\'e}goire and Bastian, Suzanne and Chastagner, Am{\'e}lie and Rantier, Yann and Masseglia, S{\'e}bastien and Agoulon, Albert and Plantard, Olivier and Vourc'h, Gwena{\"e}l and Butet, Alain},
URL = {https://univ-rennes.hal.science/hal-02409353},
TITLE = {13{\`e}me R{\'e}union du Groupe `` Tiques et Maladies {\`a} Tiques '', R{\'e}seau Ecologie des Interactions Durables},
ADDRESS = {Nantes, France},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = Mar, HAL_ID = {hal-02409353},
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