TITLE = {Approches globales et synth{\`e}se sur les p{\^e}cheries de la fin du N{\'e}olithique et du d{\'e}but de l'{\^a}ge de Bronze},
AUTHOR = {Bernard, Vincent and Billard, Cyrille and Clavel, Benoit and Ganne, Axelle and Guillon, Mark and Herrscher, Estelle and Jaouen, Gw{\'e}na{\"e}lle and Oberlin, Christine and Werthe, Elise},
URL = {https://univ-rennes.hal.science/hal-02290109},
TITLE = {P{\^e}cheries de Normandie. Arch{\'e}ologie et histoire des p{\^e}cheries littorales du d{\'e}partement de la Manche},
EDITOR = {Cyrille Billard, Vincent Bernard (dir.)},
PUBLISHER = {Presses Universitaires de Rennes},
SERIES = {Arch{\'e}ologie et Culture},
PAGES = {357-404},
YEAR = {2016},
PDF = {https://univ-rennes.hal.science/hal-02290109/file/2016%20Bernard%20V.%20in%20Billard%20C%20%26%20Bernard%20V%20Pecheries%20de%20Normandie%20%28synthese%20Age%20du%20Bz%29.pdf},
HAL_ID = {hal-02290109},
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