TITLE = {Projet Collectif de Recherche (2016 - 2018) - Monumentalismes et territoires au N{\'e}olithique entre Loire et Charente Formes et environnements des m{\'e}galithes et des enceintes. Formes, architecture, p{\'e}trographie et technologie des m{\'e}galithes. Campagne de fouille 2018 sur le dolmen des Bourriges {\`a} Fouqueure},
AUTHOR = {Ard, Vincent and Mens, Emmanuel and Aguillon, Vincent and Bedault, Lisandre and Bessenay-Prolonge, Julie and Bouchet, Eric and Bruniaux, Guillaume and Carr{\`e}re, Isabelle and Courtaud, Patrice and Dizier, Samantha and Gou{\'e}zin, Philippe and Haquet, Marie and Ihuel, Ewen and Jadeau, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Laurent, Antoine and Legrand, Victor and Leroux, Val{\'e}rie-Emma and Linard, Delphine and L{\"u}th, Friedrich and Maitay, Christophe and Marquebielle, Benjamin and Marticorena, Pablo and Math{\'e},
Vivien and Onfray, Marylise and Penicaud, Julien and Poncet, Didier},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-02046640},
NOTE = {p.112-168},
YEAR = {2018},
HAL_ID = {hal-02046640},
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