TITLE = {Projet Collectif de Recherche Monumentalismes et territoires au N{\'e}olithique entre Loire et Charente Formes et environnements des m{\'e}galithes et des enceintes. Formes, architecture, p{\'e}trographie et technologie des m{\'e}galithes. Sondage du dolmen de Magnez {\`a} Courc{\^o}me.},
AUTHOR = {Ard, Vincent and Mens, Emmanuel and Aguillon, Vincent and Aoustin, David and Blanchet, Fran{\c c}ois and Bouchet, Eric and Broux, Gautier and Calastrenc, Carine and Cousseau, Florian and Adrien, Camus and Galin, Wilfrid and Granai, Salom{\'e} and Hoffmann, Aliz{\'e} and Ihuel, Ewen and Jeauffreau, Victor and Legrand, Victor and Leroux, Val{\'e}rie-Emma and Leveque, Francois and Linard, Delphine and Math{\'e},
Vivien and Moreau, M{\'e}lanie and Onfray, Marylise and Pincon, Kevin and Poirier, Nicolas and Poncet, Didier and Wisser, Nils},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-02046454},
NOTE = {p.102-113},
YEAR = {2016},
HAL_ID = {hal-02046454},
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