TITLE = {Validation d'un tableau de bord d'indicateurs sur un r{\'e}seau national de fermes en grande culture et en viticulture pour diagnostiquer la qualit{\'e} biologique des sols agricoles},
AUTHOR = {Cannavacciulo, M. and Cassagne, N. and Riou, V. and Mulliez, P. and Chemidlin Pr{\'e}vost-Bour{\'e},
Nicolas and Dequiedt, Samuel S. and Villenave, C. and C{\'e}r{\'e}monie, H. and Cluzeau, D. and Cylly, D. and Vian, Jean Francois and Peign{\'e},
J. and Gontier, L. and Fourri{\'e},
L. and Maron, Pierre-Alain and D'oiron Verame, E. and Ranjard, Lionel},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01608354},
NOTE = {Ce num{\'e}ro comprend les articles correspondant aux pr{\'e}sentations du Colloque Casdar 2017.},
JOURNAL = {Innovations Agronomiques},
VOLUME = {55},
PAGES = {41-54},
YEAR = {2017},
DOI = {10.15454/1.5137753402510786E12},
KEYWORDS = {biological diagnosis ; agricultural soil ; training ; agroecology ; diagnostic biologique ; sols agricoles ; agro{\'e}cologie ; formation},
PDF = {https://hal.science/hal-01608354/file/2017_Cannavacciulo_Innovations%20Agronomiques_1.pdf},
HAL_ID = {hal-01608354},
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