TITLE = {Risques environnementaux et sanitaires dans les jardins},
AUTHOR = {Branchu, Philippe and Joimel, Sophie and Douay, Francis and Lefebvre, G. and R{\'e}my, Elisabeth and B{\'e}chet, B{\'e}atrice and Neel, C. and Dumat, Camille and Scimia, J. and Lebeau, T. and Cambier, Philippe and Schwartz, C.},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01593210},
NOTE = {Poster},
HOWPUBLISHED = {AFPP - 4e Conf{\'e}rence sur l'Entretien des Jardins V{\'e}g{\'e}talis{\'e}s et Infrastructures},
PAGES = {np},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Oct, HAL_ID = {hal-01593210},
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