TITLE = {BiodivERsA project VineDivers: Analysing interlinkages between soil biota and biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards across Europe },
AUTHOR = {Zaller, Johann G. and Winter, Silvia and Strauss, Peter and Querner, Pascal and Kriechbaum, Monika and Pachinger, B{\"a}rbel and Gomez, J.A. and Campos, M. and Landa, B. and Popescu, D. and Comsa, B. and Iliescu, M. and Tomoiaga, L. and Bunea, C.I. and Hoble, Adela and Marghitas, L.A. and Rusu, T. and Lora, A. and Guzman, G. and Bergmann, H. and Potthoff, Martin and Cluzeau, Daniel and Burel, Fran{\c c}oise and Jung, Vincent},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01528273},
NOTE = {Poster},
HOWPUBLISHED = {European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015},
YEAR = {2015},
MONTH = Apr, HAL_ID = {hal-01528273},
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