TITLE = {A maternal Western diet during gestation and lactation modifies offspring's microbiota activity, blood lipid levels, cognitive responses, and hippocampal neurogenesis in Yucatan pigs},
AUTHOR = {Val-Laillet, David and Besson, Marie and Guerin, Sylvie and Coquery, Nicolas and Randuineau, Gwena{\"e}lle and Kanzari, Ameni and Quesnel, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Bonhomme, Nathalie and Bolhuis, J. Elizabeth and Kemp, Bas and Blat, Sophie and Luron, Isabelle and Clouard, Caroline},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01484170},
JOURNAL = {FASEB Journal},
PUBLISHER = {Federation of American Society of Experimental Biology},
VOLUME = {31},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {2037-2049},
YEAR = {2017},
MONTH = May, DOI = {10.1096/fj.201601015R},
KEYWORDS = {yelt ; sucking pig ; food habits ; metabolism ; eating behavior ; development ; brain ; early nutrition ; truie ; lactation ; m{\'e}tabolisme sanguin ; composition du lait ; nutrition ; comportement alimentaire ; porcelet ; cerveau ; miniporc ; gestation ; cognition spatiale ; plasticit{\'e} ; microbiote},
HAL_ID = {hal-01484170},
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