TITLE = {Mid-infrared fibre evanescent wave spectroscopy of serum allows fingerprinting of the hepatic metabolic status in mice},
AUTHOR = {Le Corvec, Ma{\"e}na and Allain, Coralie and Lardjane, Salim and Cavey, Thibault and Turlin, Bruno and Fautrel, Alain and Begriche, Karima and Monbet, Val{\'e}rie and Fromenty, Bernard and Leroyer, Patricia and Guggenbuhl, Pascal and Ropert, Martine and Sire, Olivier and Lor{\'e}al, Olivier},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01450518},
JOURNAL = {Analyst},
PUBLISHER = {Royal Society of Chemistry},
SERIES = {Analyst},
VOLUME = {141},
NUMBER = {22},
PAGES = {6259-6269},
YEAR = {2016},
MONTH = Oct, DOI = {10.1039/C6AN00136J},
KEYWORDS = {Cross-validation ; spectroscopy ; variable selection ; genetic algorithm},
HAL_ID = {hal-01450518},
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