TITLE = {Utilisation du rapport prot{\'e}inurie/cr{\'e}atininurie {\`a} partir d'un {\'e}chantillon urinaire pour l'{\'e}valuation de la prot{\'e}inurie dans le my{\'e}lome multiple},
AUTHOR = {Le Mouel, E. and Frouget, T. and Collet, N. and Moreau, Caroline and Decaux, O},
URL = {https://univ-rennes.hal.science/hal-01245000},
JOURNAL = {La Revue de M{\'e}decine Interne},
PUBLISHER = {Elsevier},
SERIES = {72e CONGR{\`E}S DE LA SOCI{\'E}T{\'E} NATIONALE FRAN{\c C}AISE DE M{\'E}DECINE INTERNE, Tours, 10-12 d{\'e}cembre 2015},
VOLUME = {36, Supplement 2},
PAGES = {A140},
YEAR = {2015},
DOI = {10.1016/j.revmed.2015.10.088},
HAL_ID = {hal-01245000},
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