TITLE = {Hypogonadism associated with Cyp19a1 (Aromatase) posttranscriptional upregulation in Celf1 knockout mice},
AUTHOR = {Boulanger, Ga{\"e}lla and Cibois, Marie and Viet, Justine and Fostier, Alexis and Deschamps, St{\'e}phane and Pastezeur, Sylvain and Massart, Catherine and Gschloessl, Bernhard and Gautier-Courteille, Carole and Paillard, Luc},
URL = {https://univ-rennes.hal.science/hal-01187321},
JOURNAL = {Molecular and Cellular Biology},
PUBLISHER = {American Society for Microbiology},
VOLUME = {35},
NUMBER = {18},
PAGES = {3244--3253},
YEAR = {2015},
DOI = {10.1128/MCB.00074-15},
KEYWORDS = {celf1},
HAL_ID = {hal-01187321},
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