TITLE = {L'impact sur l'eau : les approches compl{\'e}mentaires de Syst'N et Territ'eau},
AUTHOR = {Gascuel, Chantal and Guiet, Sylvie and Morvan, Thierry and Parnaudeau, Virginie and Reau, Raymond and Vert{\`e}s, Francoise and Dorioz, Jean-Marcel and Troccaz, Olivier and M{\'e}rot, Philippe},
URL = {https://hal.science/hal-01179173},
TITLE = {Fertilisation et environnement - Quelles pistes pour l'aide {\`a} la d{\'e}cision ?},
EDITOR = {Editions Quae et Acta},
PUBLISHER = {Eyrolles},
SERIES = {Mati{\`e}re {\`a} D{\'e}battre et D{\'e}cider},
PAGES = {87-103},
YEAR = {2014},
MONTH = Feb, HAL_ID = {hal-01179173},
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