TITLE = {Influence of social systems and population dynamics on the evolutionary responses to environmental pressures: A case study in western lowland gorillas},
AUTHOR = {Baudouin, Alice and Rousseau, H{\'e}l{\`e}ne and Vallet, Dominique and Petit, Eric and Boutte, Julien and Salmon, Armel and Bermejo, Magdalena and Rodriguez-Teijeiro, Jos{\'e} Domingo and Bonet-Arboli, Victor and Corell, Roser Farres and Knapp, Leslie and M{\'e}nard, Nelly and Le Gouar, P.},
URL = {https://univ-rennes.hal.science/hal-01161606},
TITLE = {27th International Congress for Conservation Biology},
ADDRESS = {Montpellier, France},
ORGANIZATION = {Society for Conservation Biology Global (SCB). Washington, D.C., USA.},
YEAR = {2015},
MONTH = Aug, HAL_ID = {hal-01161606},
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