TITLE = {Avis de l'Anses relatif {\`a} l'identification en tant que substance extr{\^e}mement pr{\'e}occupante (SVHC) du Bisph{\'e}nol B pour son caract{\`e}re de perturbateur endocrinien},
AUTHOR = {Mhaouty-Kodja, Sakina and Habert, Ren{\'e} and Emond, Claude and Appenzeller, Brice M.R. and Babajko, Sylvie and Belzunces,, Luc and Cabaton, Nicolas J. and Canivenc-Lavier, Marie-Chantal and Chauchereau, Anne and Chevalier, Nicolas and Le Magueresse-Battistoni, Brigitte and Minier, Christophe and Multigner, Luc and Vigui{\'e},
Catherine and Fini, Jean Baptiste and Picard-Hagen, Nicole and Sachs, Laurent and Wrobel, Ludovic and Pasquier, Elodie and Beausoleil, Claire and Jomini, St{\'e}phane and Michel, C{\'e}cile},
URL = {https://anses.hal.science/anses-04303301},
NUMBER = {Saisine n{\textdegree}2019-SA-0221},
PAGES = {13 p.},
YEAR = {2020},
MONTH = Dec, HAL_ID = {anses-04303301},
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